Practical Brain Injury Assessment

Our assessments aim to identify how a brain injury and its various cognitive effects impact day-today life on a practical level. This builds on formal neuropsychological assessment which comprehensively assess cognitive, psychological, emotional and behavioural functions.

Delivered in an informal and flexible consultation with an experience member of our team, we run through a range of specially formulated questions about daily activities and how brain injury impacts them, prompting for important specific details. Without this kind of in-depth assessment, there is potential for people with brain injury to receive limited or inappropriate support.

By comprehensively assessing how brain injury impacts on a practical, day-to-day basis, you will be able to make informed decisions and carry out more comprehensive planning towards desired outcomes. People often find that frustrations and challenges in articulating the impacts of their injury to family and professionals are also reduced as a result of practical assessment.

Assessments are flexible and can be delivered in-person at home, in hospital or community facilities to people with a brain injury and their carers. If you live in a rural or remote area, we can carry out assessment over the phone if required.


Outcomes Focused Planning

Following practical brain injury assessment, we work with you to clarify goals and plan a course of action to work towards them. Your goals may include specific activities such as moving into independent living or more general funding and support planning goals such as preparing for an NDIS application.

With your goals in mind we will assist you to identify the most suitable options, using our national network to connect you to appropriate services, supports and funding. The details identified through brain injury assessment will then provide further information and evidence around your needs to the providers and professionals working with you.


The Assessment and Planning Process


Identification of Goals and Outcomes

We will discuss your situation and develop an understanding of your goals and desired outcomes into the future.

Assessment of Skills and Functioning

We undertake the preliminary assessment of skills and functioning in consultation with you to assess all activities associated with daily living.

Future Planning

This includes assistance for major future life events such as transitioning from hospital to another facility or living arrangement.

Risk Assessment

We will determine the level of support required in-home or in a shared environment and determining safe working standards for prospective or existing service provision. Occupational Health Safety Assessment & consultation can also be undertaken as required.

Allied Health Support Planning

The final planning of a holistic care regime in consultation with clients, family, allied health professionals, stakeholders, case managers and insurers.

Explore more of our services

Information & Referral

Information & Referral

Specialised information to help you manage life after a brain injury and navigate the complex systems of care and support. Get in touch today.

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NDIS Services

NDIS Services

Registered NDIS pre-planning, support coordination and specialised services to ensure you, or the person you are caring for, get the most suitable support.

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