Privacy and Confidentiality
Privacy Policy Statement
To provide an effective and high-quality service and to maintain appropriate accountability, Synapse must collect, store, use and sometimes share relevant personal information about its customers. Synapse is consistent and careful in the way it manages what is written and said about a customer and how it is decided who can see or hear this information.
Synapse customers have legislated rights to privacy. It is essential that these rights are protected and upheld, and also that Synapse acts correctly in circumstances where the right to privacy may be overridden by other considerations.
To uphold the rights of customers to privacy, each employee shall maintain an appropriate level of understanding about how we meet our legal obligations. Synapse’s Policies, Procedures, Practices and Information Management Systems shall be maintained in line with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), Information Privacy Act 2007 (Qld), Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW).
Synapse is committed to collecting, protecting and disposing of personal information in a way that protects privacy and ensures confidentiality is maintained. Specifically, Synapse will:
- Collect and keep personal information about customers only when it is relevant and necessary to the provision of services
- Ensure data about each customer is up to date, accurate and secure whether stored in hard copy or electronically
- Take account of relevant cultural or religious sensitivities of customers using Synapse services
- Store customer records for the require length of time
- Transfer or dispose of customer records correctly
- Provide customers with information about their rights regarding privacy and how Synapse will treat their personal information
- Permit individuals to access the information Synapse hold on them and correct them if necessary.
Copies of our Privacy Policy in full can be requested from any Synapse Representative.
Advocacy and Support People
An Advocate may speak to Synapse on your behalf. Synapse may require written proof that the advocate or support person is acting on your behalf.
Synapse is committed to ensuring existing and potential customers of the organisation have access to an Advocate or Advocacy Service of their choice to ensure the needs and interests of customers are fairly represented at all times. Synapse will ensure that any existing and potential customer has the opportunity to nominate an Advocate of their choice and have this information recorded in their record. When requested, or where it is in the best interests of an existing or potential customer, their guardian or stakeholder, Synapse will provide information to access an unbiased list of Advocacy Services including those listed below. If you need further assistance to access and involve an Advocate, contact Synapse.